Monday, October 20, 2008

October Adventures

So if you don't get a family photo from us over the holidays...refer to the above photo--Happy Holidays! :) We're going to try to get in and get a family photo taken since the last time we were at an actual photography place to get photos was when Tucker was a year and it wasn't together as a family...but I can promise anything.

We had a lot of fun this weekend going to a pumpkin patch and letting Tucker pick out our pumpkin (we required that HE'D be able to pick it up in order to stay within our pumpkin purchasing budget ;)
We went with the Ruckers and had a great time! Don't you think this could be the beginning of a very cute wedding album? ;)
And we celebrated Kylea's 2nd birthday. Happy Birthday Kylea! Tucker was the only boy at her Tinkerbell party. However, Lissa made sure he had the blue flowers in his lei, the 'masculine socerer's power-wand' (instead of the fairy wand) to decorate, a coloring page with Peter Pan instead of Tink, and his very own goody bag with 'boy stuff' in it. Thanks Lis! ...although I think he was jealous of the bracelets the girls got... ;)
And of course, no lack of sweets and sugar for him to enjoy! ...must be my son if he enjoys sugar that much!
And proof that the art mom does actually do art with her child, even though he's not a big fan of it. Every once in a while he will actually paint a little. Crayons are still used for walls, breaking, and eating. I get about 2 minutes of painting out of him until it ends up on his hair. I guess I should embrace self-expression? My art professors would be so disappointed...I opt for home cleanliness over abstract art creation! I am ashamed.


Ginny said...

so, the pictures were cute by themselves, but the words made them even better! laughed out loud at the art comments!

Clayton and Amber said...

I can't believe you don't promote self-expression in home art? I let Tyler color where ever and whatever he pleases....NOT! I love reading your blog! Darling family picture. And yes, Tucker's little girl friend looks perfect with him.


He totally has his mother's chessy grin! What a cute-face! Can't wait to see you guys!

Becky said...

Yes, I'm sure Dr. Beatty and the rest would be thoroughly disappointed! Except I think you redeem yourself that it's not a coloring book page--you wouldn't want to confine his creativity to a preprinted design! (Don't look at my shelf full of coloring books, nor the fact that we finally painted over the marker on the walls and TRIED to remove the Sharpie from the couch!)