Ok, so I've been horrible at keeping up with the blog. But to update my life, organize pictures, and feel justified in not writing in a journal, I'm going to attempt to Readers Digest the last few months in monthly pictoral blogs.
OCTOBER! :)What's October without a little corn maze?
and gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountain views?
and 400 pounds of dried corn to play in?
and King Kong??
Tucker had a really cute Halloween parade. Cooper somehow found his way into the line, hiding behind Tuck.
ARR Matey! Probably our last Halloween that the family will all be dressed alike- I had to really coax Tucker into the idea of a pirate. Since Halloween fell on Sunday this year, we were able to celebrate it with a Bedford branch Trunk or Treat (maximum treats with minimum walking...ingenious!)
The boys love bathtime and love being wrapped like a bug after they get out. They'll stay like this for quite a while...
Then they sneak out of their towels and find the laser guns!
And there goes October!
We are off the see the....Mannings!
10 years ago
seriously that last pic made me laugh out loud! love it! love them! love you!
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