Cooper, our "BIG" boy turned 2 at the end of June! Barely squeaking by at 20 pounds at 2 years, this mini-man is such a joy in our life! He surprises many people, when they see how cute and little he is, that he's even walking.... then he busts out a complete, grammatically proper sentence or two in the cutest little helium voice you've ever heard. The only consistent phrase he says that's incorrect is when he wants to be lifted up. "Mom, can I carry you?" I won't ever try to correct that one. :)
It's really fun to have such a vocal little guy who seems ready to soak up any and all knowledge he can get. He loves to cuddle and gives great monkey hugs. Having him stay so small gives us a chance to still have a 'baby'...who can fully communicate. It's great! We love this kid! His current 'petite frame' doesn't carry over to his BIIIG smile!
Cooper is all about "I do it all by myself, Mom." Which includes handling fire hazards,
not letting a girl show him up (he totally scaled this thing right after she did),
swinging on the big kid swings,
nope, this isn't a 'big kid' shot, just a really cute one of him getting caught playing in a strewn mess of diapers
running to keep up with Tucker (or at least a solid attempt on short little legs),
eating twice as much as his older brother (which he really does + poops every bit of it back out = the same sized kid and 5-6 massive poopy diapers a day!)
and inviting older, cooler kids to his bday party. :)
We celebrated his birthday while we were in the rental interim house between moving from Richmond and closing on our new home in Goode. This is us celebrating Cooper's bday with our new friends, the Scotts (more stories and info to come on them and their cute fam :)
So, little man, although at age two you may be small in stature, your smile, intellect, courage, and heart are HUGE! We love you, bud!
We are off the see the....Mannings!
10 years ago
love the one of him chasing tucker down the road. love the kid. give him a monkey hug for me!
He is soooooo cute! I've always wanted a tiny, petite child!!! So jealous! ha ha. Bradford turned two a week ago. He comes in at a whopping 36 pounds! And my 3-month "chunky chica" is rivaling Cooper already! (She was weighing in at 16 pounds last time I checked!)
OH....and some awesome pics too! Loved the one of the boys running on the road.
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