He's finally here!! :) We welcomed this little bundle of joy to earth on June 26th, 2008 at 7:01 PM. It was an incredible birthing experience and he's as healthy and wonderful as can be!
If you don't want the journal entry birthing story, skip on down to the pics. :)
On Wednesday, the 25th, I went in to get an ultrasound to see how he was doing and how big he was getting. I figured he was big like Tucker and, seeing the results of the size of the baby the OB would definitely want to induce me. I wanted so bad to go into labor naturally- my prayer was to be able to do that if it was possible. I was told in the ultrasound that I was measuring about 38 weeks and he was 7-8 lbs!! I didn't expect that at all and it took so much pressure off knowing I could wait until 42 weeks to do anything because size wasn't a factor. The doctor still wanted to induce me the following Monday but then he informed me that he'd be gone all that week so it didn't really matter to him if I waited a few more days. So not only now did I not have the size pressure, but my worries I've had with this doctor weren't going to be an issue because he wasn't even going to be around! I went home feeling pure peace for the first time in a long time. Rudy says that's what did it. He thinks I have a lot of control over my body when I'm stressed (like when I got Lasik a week before our wedding and it didn't work...or so I thought, until the day after the wedding on our honeymoon when the stresses were over, I woke up and could see perfectly). And truly that could have been it. I was finally able to relax about the whole thing and feel like I had 'time' and could just wait it out. So I woke up the next morning at 5 with some decent contractions. I didn't think anything of it since I'd been having decent contractions on and off for the past MONTH, until I went to the restroom and saw some blood. The contractions continued, but didn't intensify too much so I told Rudy to go to school and I went about my day, going to playgroup, errands, and work. After work, at about 3, they started coming more and more consistent and strong. I called Rudy around 4 to see when he was coming home and he said he had just finished up his patient and was leaving right then. So I started packing some stuff and by the time he got home I was perty dern sure I was in labor. I told him we should probably get things together. We took our time and by 5:30 were ready to go...and I was feeling ready to go. We dropped Tucker off at the Davidsons (THANK YOU GUYS!!) and got to the hospital around 6. I was definitely feeling the contractions at this point and having to concentrate and breathe through them. We got in to register and started filling out paperwork as I leaned onto the back of the chair and tried to find my 'happy place' :) About 10 minutes into it the woman helping us looked at me and said, "I can tell your a trooper, but you need to go upstairs now, we'll finish this later". So we shuffled on upstairs and walked in to Labor and Delivery where a few doctors were at the front desk, saw me and said, "what do you think guys? she in labor? guess you can come right in!" joking around with me as I could barely walk directly into one of the rooms to get changed. Getting dressed into that gown was an experience! I didn't think I'd make it. After some serious struggling and deep breathing I made it into that beautiful gown and onto the bed. So whoever says to 'relax' through contractions obviously never made it to transition labor! How are you supposed to relax when your whole body is writhing in the most intense pain it's ever felt?? Well, more power to those who can. As soon as I layed down the contractions I thought couldn't get worse...got worse. The wonderful nurse was trying to get paperwork and questions out of the way. I looked at her and asked if she'd check me before going into my second great aunt's medical history. She did and her eyes got wide. I was at a nine and going fast. All of a sudden the room kicked into hyperdrive as they got everything ready for a baby and tried paging the doctor. Rudy was just shaking his head feeling sorry for the whole staff thinking they were making a big fuss about nothing because I was at a 10 for over 4 hours last time! The nurse told me to tell her if i felt like I had to push and "don't worry, this wouldn't be my first baby I've had to deliver!" Right as she said that my water broke. A few ridiculously painful contractions later I felt like I had to push. Just as I was about to start the doctor walked in. He checked me, said we're good to go anytime you want to start pushing! I pushed once just to try it out and see how it felt...SOO much better than pushing for hours when you don't feel the urge! I asked after that contraction where his head was. He said a -1 station (still a ways back in the pelvis). At that point everything came together and I just knew how I needed to push to get this baby out. It was an incredible experience and really brought to life a blessing Rudy had given me a couple of weeks earlier that talked about listening to my body and knowing what to do. The very next push I went from a -1 station to crowning. I asked if I needed to slow it down and he said, 'lets just see what happens'...I took that as, 'go ahead, get the baby out'. So one more contraction, one more push and...VOILA! A baby! :) From the time I got into the room to the time I had a baby in my arms was about 45 minutes. It was such an incredible, amazing, inspiring experience! I got to hold him and nurse him and Rudy got to cut the cord (unlike the hecticness of Tucker's birth). Besides the mind-numbing pain, I'm a HUGE fan of going natural! :) I did tear some, so while I held Cooper, Rudy and Doc had a nice bonding experience while he stitched me up. As Rudy puts it, "although the word 'vagina' and 'gingiva' may SOUND similar, as far as suturing, they're quite different!" (Insert smiley face rolling his eyes here). Ahh Rudy, I love you! He really was very supportive and I couldn't have done it without his words of encouragement. After it was all over, he said, "That was great! and SO easy! Let's do that again with the next one! I'm ok with have a lots more kids now!" :) Although I don't know if I want to talk about having another JUST yet, it was a wonderful, beautiful experience and I'm so grateful to Heavenly Father for answering our prayers in such a miraculous way and giving me a chance to be a part of something so amazing!!
We love our little boys so much and are so grateful for them! Welcome to the world Cooper!! We love you!
7 lbs 12 oz, 20 inches long. He has similarities to Tucker, but also definitely his own look.Cooper and his parents about 30 minutes after delivery.
What a great dad!!!
Our celebratory dinner with steak, cheesecake, and sparkling cider.
What a good big brother you're going to be Tuck!
He's already found his thumb!
We are off the see the....Mannings!
10 years ago
Holy cow, Melissa! What an amazing looking baby boy. Congratulations.
He is simply gorgeous, Boo. And this all brought a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes. I'm so grateful that things worked so well. I love you!
Congratulations! What a gorgeous baby! I know that I'm just out of the loop living all the way out here in Logan, UT, but I'm clueless as to what happened with Tucker's birth--but I'm glad that all worked out with this one! I'm jealous...
Missy and Rudy, Cooper is beautiful! What a handsome baby boy. I am so happy that you were able to have the birth experience you wanted, it makes such a difference and the trauma makes the contractions bareable..well maybe. We had a similar experience with Mack coming naturally, and I must say that I know what you mean by not wanted to have another one right yet!! HA ha! Way to go Melissa, you DID IT!! And Cooper came out so perfect!
did I say trauma? I meant lack of trauma with natural birth...okay so I'm typing with one hand and two kids hanging on me. Sorry!
CONGRATULATIONS!! How exciting, he is really adorable!
Congratulations! He is beautiful. Way to go on the natural birth, that takes a strong girl! Tucker is so cute giving Cooper a kiss. Love it!
How did I not know that you had a blog? I'm stalking you now! Congrats on baby #2! Dan and I are thrilled for you guys!
He is beautiful! Congrats Wolf Family!
He's darling!!! I'm so happy for you to have everything gone "smoothly". You look beautiful in those pictures. Congrats!
Congratulations Cooper Wolf you've just arrived in a sweet place to call your new home! Love you guys,
The SD Gardners
i love the story, i love the record of it, i love that you got what you want (even if there was some delayed gratification involved), i love the boys, i love the mom, and i don't love that i am so dang far away!!! At least I get to hear him cough and coo over the phone! love you!!!
Congratulations guys! He's a sweetie. I LOVE the pic of Tucker and his big proud smile, holding little brother.
congratulations. What a beautiful little boy!! I am impressed with your labor story. It almost tempts me to try au natural...we'll see. Hope you are feeling good.
Congratuartrrions! we aer so fexcited for you! Pardon the typo's - Abby is helping me type. All of you look amazing - and what a beautiful new addition! Enjoy!
That is the best blog entry ever! Way to go with the natural delivery- you rock! Your new baby and your family are just beautiful! Congrats!
Congrats!!! He is beautiful!!! Suzy just had her baby too. On the 29th. So fun! Love the pictures! Hope all is going well!
Wow he looks so big, but he's so little. You are a trooper Melissa I'm so glad to hear everything went well. What a cutie, Best Wishes!
What an Angel!! I miss you so much! I have been thinking of you a lot lately! Your little family is so beautiful and happy, Congrats~
So cute! We're so glad that everything went well for you Melissa and you too, little Cooper! Love you guys!
P.S. Glad we get to share our anniversary with such a cute little guys! :)
People should read this.
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